"What have I done now?" Ramona exclaimed when the well known feeling of dizziness came over her. In the same time everything disappeared in a blur. She instantly understood that she was experiencing yet another time travel! She wanted to reach for Theo to bring him with her, but it was too late…
The sound of Theos perplexed voice was the last thing she heard before the sound of canons and guns took over around her. Ramona remembered the words she had just said, standing in front of the display case watching all the artefacts from the war: ”I wonder how it was living in that age”. Already then she had started feeling the tingling sensation in her body, yet she continued saying: It must have been awful! Then it all happened and her peaceful life suddenly changed into something really terrifying!
"Oh! Look!" Theo exclaimed in surprise, pointing at the display case. Robert hurried forward to see what Theo had discovered.
"You see the knife there?" Theo said pointing at it.
Robert nodded.
"It looks almost exactly as the knife I had in my home in Pompei!” Theo said without taking his eyes from it.
Neither Theo nor her cousin Robert had yet discovered that Ramona had disappeared. They were totally focusing on the mini exhibit about the war in 1808-1809, which was set on board the ferry travelling between Sweden and Finland. Catching their interest was all the canon balls and weapons on display.